
About a month ago I invested in a set of three bracelets with words that I knew would be important reminders for me. They are three fruits’ of the spirit: peace, patience, and self-control.


This wonderfully beautiful woman I follow on Facebook, Rachel Hollis, had them available through a style line on Cents of Style. I have a set of bracelets that I wear regularly, and felt that adding these would be important, because these three fruits of the spirit are fruits that I need more of in my life.

Self-control has become so important in my life right now. I have had to remind myself almost constantly to have self-control. It has become my mantra. I need it in my life so much while I’m following the Whole 30 diet.

I have to have self-control to not cheat. I have to have self-control to avoid binge eating. I have to have self-control to not unfairly lash out at others while I’ve struggled with essentially detoxing my body from an addiction to sugar and carbs. I have to have self-control to not let this diet change get the best of me, because in the end, this will make my life so much better.

Having a constant reminder around my wrist has helped me stay on track. Having the words somewhere I always see them has kept me from falling apart, and has reminded me that this trait is something God calls me to have, and that I have to rely on Him to maintain my self-control. These words on my wrist have helped me to rely more on Him in general.

If you feel like you need this word around your wrist, follow THIS link to get one of your own. If you need another fruit of the spirit, follow the link above to the Cents of Style website to see all of the bracelets in Rachel’s line!

*this post is not affiliated with Cents of Style or Rachel Hollis. This is simply my own experience and my own opinion of the bracelets, the site, and the person 🙂

Ms. Graciebelle